To the over 23k voters who trusted me with a seat on the bench this past Primary, I give my heartfelt thanks. Although I did not qualify for the Democratic Party endorsement for the General Election this November, I will still continue to do my civic duty to educate voters on their rights and responsibilities. There are some concerns that I will address a bit later, but I wanted to take this opportunity just to say thank you to all my voters.

A special thank you goes to the New York Democratic Club who endorsed my campaign. The NYDC was the first place I announced my candidacy for Queens Civil Court on January 1, 2024. I was warmly welcomed by an incredible group of civic-minded people and consider this club to be my home base.

The New York Democratic Club is a Nepali based club that is very active and engaged in the community, and everyone has been wonderful to me! I especially enjoyed marching in the Nepali Parade and learning more about the culture.

While I can't say that I enjoyed cleaning up Elmhurst Park in 100 degree oppressive heat, I will say that it warmed my heart to see so many members of the Nepali community, including children, who cared enough about the park to work hard to clean it up. My own children spent many happy memories in this park and we must all work together to keep your public spaces clean and enjoyable.

Do not be discouraged by the results of the Democratic Primary. There is a lot of work to be done to ensure a free and fair election process, but together we can make a difference. I mentioned the Elmhurst Park Clean-Up as an example of strength through unity to persevere under harsh conditions. If we want to change our circumstances, we must unite and work together with other like-minded folks regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, intersectionalities, or political party. I sincerely hope that the 21,299 Democrats who honored me with their Primary vote will take a close look at the remaining judicial candidates on the ballot for the General Election this November and vote for the ones who most deserve a seat on the bench without regards to their political party.